Terms & Use

Fairbnb.coop – TERMS OF USE

Dear User,

Fair Bnb Network Società Cooperativa, with its registered offices in Bologna, via Camillo Casarini 19, CF: 03735181202 is the owner of the web platform Fairbnb.coop (below identified as “Fairbnb.coop”).

The platform offers tourism booking services between registered users as travellers (guests) and property owners (hosts) facilitating a sustainable tourism experience and creating a redistributive effect in favour of local communities through the direct donation of selected social projects.  

You may cancel your account at any time or download your current data by selecting the specific option through the control panel or sending an email to privacy@fairbnb.coop.

Last update – 27th of March 2023. Version 1.95

This document is also quoted in the below legal text as “terms”.
These Terms represent a basic agreement between the User and Fair Bnb Network società cooperativa (shown below also as Fairbnb.coop), as Fairbnb.coop platform owner.


The above premises are relevant to understand, to form, to interpret and to execute the agreement and the obligations set by these Terms.



1. Registration to Fairbnb.coop website – User Profile

By registering through the form on the website, the User inserts name, surname, date of birth (to register the user has to be an adult), the nation of residence, email and password in order to be identified and to access his/her own account on Fairbnb.coop.

Registration could be facilitated also by using external providers such as Google and Facebook.

The registration implies the provision of true information about user identity and a valid email address for the communications required.

The User represents and warrants that all information provided is current, complete and accurate and declares to have the legal capacity to be part of this agreement.

The registration allows the user to create the User Profile aimed at collecting basic information, photo and user’s description.

Information provided will be in any case managed according to the Privacy Statement and the following versions of these Terms.


2. Identification

The access to the platform, the use of services and the formation of short-term rental agreements require certain identification of users.

The platform technology, however, does not allow now different options or the implementation of tools that can give absolute certainty to the identification itself.

The user must remember that the formation of short-term rental agreements requires the guest and the host to comply with even more binding identification requirements, whose knowledge, based on the regulations of each country, is entirely and solely in charge of the contractual parties.

Fairbnb.coop is entitled to request specific documents or to ask for a further check of each User’s personal identity and, in case of uncertainty, may terminate or not permit the registration to the platform at its complete discretion.


3. Search Engine

The platform provides users with a search engine aimed at showing the list of available rental listings, based on the user’s favourite destinations and search filters.

Such a list is intended only to facilitate interaction between guests and hosts users and does not imply any discrimination or pre-selection of locations that are identified solely based on territorial criteria. This tool, therefore, does not in any way constitute a form of pre-contractual collaboration with the user, but only a tool for accessing all available listings, in any case without prejudice to the possible formation of the rental agreement between the parties: this is confirmed by the fact that the access to the search engine is open to all navigators, even if not registered on Fairbnb.coop.


4. Short-term rental Platform Services

Once the listing is displayed, the guest may click on the “book now” button to send his/her short term rental proposal to the host, according to the terms provided by the listing and these terms of use.

The platform facilitates the exchange of contractual consents between the parties using point & click system and confirms that by sending transactional emails: if the host accepts the request by the guest (booking confirmation), the acceptance is communicated on behalf of the host by the platform through email: as soon as the guest receives such the acceptance communication this implies the agreement formation and represents the commitment of the parties to comply with it.

The host must accept the short term rental proposal sent by the guest within 48 hours from the booking request submission. In case of denial or inactivity by the host, the platform will cancel the proposal automatically and notify both users.

The guest and the host are the only parties of the short-term rental contract, formed using the platform service and therefore are responsible for compliance with the applicable laws in each country.

Fair BnB Network Soc. Coop suggests to the users to draw up and sign, if possible, a short written note summarizing the main terms of the rental agreement, including possible additional requirements, in order to prove and/or fulfil the legal obligations imposed by their countries.

In any case, the parties are required to comply with the provisions of these terms of use, which constitute a voluntary supplement to their short term rental agreement.


5. Social Project

By clicking on the “book now” button, the guest user is allowed also to select a specific social project that will be financed, in case the rental contract is formed, with a donation to the legal entity in charge of such a project.

The amount of the donation to the social project is the same as the service fee set by Fairbnb.coop, today the 7,5% of the rent.

Donation to a specific social project is mandatory to access the platform’s service because it represents one of the most relevant instrument for Fairbnb.coop to pursue its goals.


6. Cancellation Policies

Fairbnb allows Hosts to include pre-set Cancellation Policies (hereinafter referred to as “CP”) in their short-term rental agreements with Guests . CP are clauses aimed at protecting users from possible unexpected events or changes that require the termination of the rental agreement before the original check-in date.

The protection enables Guests to legally terminate the short-term rental agreement and get a partial or full refund of the total amount paid by the Guest for the booking. The total amount paid by the Guest includes the rental fee of the property, a donation fee to a local community project, and a Fairbnb platform fee.

Four different cancellation policies are available for Hosts to choose from and to apply to their listings. CP can be selected when a listing is created and modified any time after the listing has been published. However, once a booking request has been accepted by the Host, the CP chosen for the listing at the time of booking will be applied to the rental agreement and cannot be modified for that booking.

Our CP clauses are:

  1. Flex:
    Guest-initiated cancellation:
    • Within 2 days before check-in: No refund
    • Between 3 and 7 days before check-in: 50% of rent refunded (donation and platform fee not refunded)
    • Up to 8 days before check-in: 100% of the overall amount refunded
  2. Moderate:
    Guest-initiated cancellation:
    • Within 2 days before check-in: No refund
    • Between 3 and 15 days before check-in: 50% of rent refunded (donation and platform fee not refunded)
    • Up to 16 days before check-in: 100% of the overall amount refunded
  3. Standard:
    Guest-initiated cancellation:
    • Within 7 days before check-in: No refund
    • Between 8 and 30 days before check-in: 50% of rent refunded (donation and platform fee not refunded)
    • Up to 31 days before check-in: 100% of the overall amount refunded
  4. Long Stay:
    Guest-initiated cancellation:
    • Within 30 days before check-in: No refund
    • Between 31 and 60 days before check-in: 50% of rent refunded (donation and platform fee not refunded)
    • Up to 61 days before check-in: 100% of the overall amount refunded

All the CP clauses mentioned above are calculated based on the check-in date. For example, a booking termination by  a Guest the day before the check-in date is considered as “1 day before the check-in date” and will be granted no refund according to all the CP clauses above.

The CP selected by the Host is shown in each listing and becomes part of the agreement with the Guest as soon as the booking request is accepted.

After the booking confirmation, the CP clause selected in each listing is not adjustable and  it will be applied to the rental agreement for that booking.

Hosts may request our customer care service to create tailored CPs for their listings. Fairbnb will evaluate the request for new CPs and reserves the right to approve or deny such requests. If approved, the new CP will also be published here.

Fairbnb’s original CP clauses will continue to be available and effective up until the 8th of May 2023. After that date, these CPs will be automatically replaced with the new “Flex”, “Moderate”, Standard” and “Long Stay” cancellation policies. The original policies are:

  1. Flexible:
    Guest-initiated cancellation:
    • 7 days before check-in: 100% of the amount refunded
    • Up to 6 days before check-in: 50% of rent refunded (platform fee and donation not refunded)
  2. Strict:
    Guest-initiated cancellation:
    • 3 days before check-in: 100% of the amount refunded
    • Up to 2 days before check-in: No refund

Note that modifications to the list of pre-set CP clauses may be added as option available to our hosts any time, but such modifications should not be considered as a change in our Terms of Use.

The Host has the right to terminate the booking after its formation: in such a case a 100% refund of the overall amount will be issued to the Guest.


7. Service costs & Payments

In the listing page, the Guest will find a recap of the items related to the transaction.

By selecting the “book now” button, the Guest will activate the Credit Card pre-authorization system for the sum identified in the recap of the transaction.

Pre-authorization will be deactivated in case of cancellation made by the Guest according to the provision of article 6).

The Guest pays the following amount in case of booking confirmation:

  • the rent sum that the platform transfers to the Host on behalf of the Guest;
  • the donation sum that the platform transfers to the legal entity in charge of the social project selected by the Guest (calculated as the 7,5% of the rent);
  • the service fee due to Fair BnB Network Soc. Coop (calculated as 7,5% of the rent, vat included).
  • the cleaning fee, if included by the host in the overall rental costs.

The Guest uses the payment method selected to transfer to Fairbnb.coop the amounts set in the above-mentioned recap. By receiving such an amount, Fairbnb.coop is entitled by the Guest user with a mandate to collect in order to transfer such amount to the host and to the social project selected by the Guest.

After the payment is completed, Fairbnb.coop will send the invoice due to the Guest by email. Receipts to the host and to the legal entity in charge of the selected social project will be issued and sent by email.

The Terms and Conditions for Agent for Payment services


mangopay T&C logos @fairbnb.coop



8. Become a host

By selecting the option “become a host” basic users are allowed to insert listings in the platform and to generate short term rental proposals to be accessed through the platform search engine.

This implies accepting the terms and conditions provided in this section.


9. Listings & Lawfulness

Host users are enabled to publish, through the Fairbnb.coop platform,  short-term rental proposals to lease their real estates to Guests: these proposals are also called “listings” in these Contractual Terms.

Host users may create listings only if they are legally entitled to form short term rental agreements according to the applicable law.

By accepting these Terms, host users confirm the fulfilment of such a requirement.

In the Countries or the local areas that are enabled to provide services to form rental agreement, the listing option could consider specific criteria for host users to be allowed to rent. Such criteria will be explained in the page dedicated to inserting the listings and should be fulfilled to complete the offer.

The information inserted in the listing form should be real and non-deceptive and it is strictly forbidden to insert photos showing people, kids or items that could in any way represent a violation of discretion and/or privacy data protection laws.

If the optional cleaning fee is selected by the host for a listing, this sum must not exceed the effective cleaning service charge to the host.

Copyright licensing rule is applied to the contents provided by the Host user according to article 16.


10. Listings Management & offer acceptance

Host users could manage their listings from the apposite page in their user account.

It is possible to accept the short term rental proposal made by guest users by clicking over a specific button. The platform will send confirmation to the Guest user.

The parties should comply with applicable laws to such an agreement, which, in any case, is not legally held by Fairbnb.coop at all: parties are free to manage such an agreement, including the possibility of formalizing it in writing or in other ways.

Fairbnb.coop, in any case, advises users, when possible, to draw up and sign a short written note summarizing the terms of the rental agreement in order to prove and/or fulfil the legal obligations provided by each user Country.

The Host users could refer to the User Profile personal agenda to manage their contracts and avoid problems such as overbooking. Anyway, the Host users, by accepting these Terms, agree to submit to Fairbnb.coop only listings available for the selectable period to stay.

In the listing section the Host user is asked to select specific social projects to be beneficiary of the donations by the Guest users. Such a selection is mandatory to access the platform service for the user because it represents one of the most relevant instrument for Fairbnb.coop to pursue its goals.


11. Automatic Termination

Once formed, the short term rental agreement between Guest and Host users is under the condition of payment. In case the Guest doesn’t provide payment according to the provision set in article 7, the parties agree to terminate such an agreement automatically.

The termination is communicated with email on behalf of the Host user to the Guest user.

Cancellation policy for hosts applies as set in article 6 of these terms.


12. Service costs & Payments

if the short-term rental proposal is accepted, Fairbnb.coop, according to the procedure stated in articles 6 and 7, will transfer to the Host the rent provided by the Guest.

If provided by each Country laws, as soon as the service is available, Fairbnb.coop will provide money transfer from the Guest to the local municipality to pay tourist tax.


13. Web-chat

Guest Users are entitled to use the web-chat tool available in the private area of the platform, to contact Hosts. Such a contact is intended only to let users exchange information about listings and possible short term rental agreements to be formed using the platform.

The web-chat is supervised by Fairbnb.coop staff to prevent infringements to our policies.

The conditions set by the listings cannot be modified by the users using the web-chat.

The web-chat shows only the user’s profile photo and username. Users are the sole liable for information, data, personal data and contents shared in the webchat.

The current version of the platform does not consider users to be registered for business purposes, so additional personal data shared in the web-chat is not covered by the data processing law.


14. Liability

The Fairbnb.coop platform offers only services to facilitate the meeting of users interested in concluding residential short-term rental agreements. In addition to this, Fairbnb.coop acts as a mere agent for the collection and payment of the amounts paid by Guest users.

From the above, it follows that in no way does Fairbnb.coop intervene in the performance of the personal and contractual relationship of the parties nor does it offer guarantees regarding the promises contained in the listings or in the users’ profile information.

Fairbnb.coop is therefore not liable in any way for damage or other negative effects that may result to users from the conclusion and execution of such contracts with the selected Host users.


15. Termination of User Account

Fairbnb.coop may terminate or suspend User Account at any time in the event of any conduct by the User that Fairbnb.coop, in its own discretion, may consider being in conflict with the project principles or in the event of any violation by the User of this Terms.


16. Copyright and Intellectual Property

All texts, graphics, photographs, trademarks, logos, icons, sounds, music, videos, artwork, software and computer code present on the platform are owned by or licensed to Fairbnb.coop. Such content is protected by copyright and trademark laws, trade and unfair competition laws.

The listings media-content is intended licensed to Fairbnb.coop: uploading of this content implies the acceptance of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License as you may find at this link


17. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

According to l. 218/1995 and Reg. (CE) n. 593/2008, User Account and/or use of the platform also in this demo phase, shall be governed by and interpreted exclusively in accordance with the laws and decisions of the State of Italy, without giving effect to its conflict of laws provisions.
Consumers’ rights are protected according to the same provisions.
Civil lawsuit proceedings should be brought in Italy’s Court.
Please report any violations or claim about these Terms to Fairbnb: info@fairbnb.coop


18. Consumers’ Rights

By accepting these terms the users declare to be aware of the consumer information set below and specifically confirm that no right of withdrawal is available for the services provided (according to European Directive 2011/83/EU)


19. Changes to Terms

Any change to these Terms will be labelled as a new version of this document and asked for new consent at the time of logging of the User to the platform. Also, an email will be sent to advise about the updates.




a) Fairbnb.coop is a platform that offers useful services to facilitate the meeting of users interested in concluding agreements concerning the short-term rental of properties for residential use.

b) The Fairbnb.coop platform and the services offered by it are owned by the Fair Bnb Network Società Cooperativa, with its registered offices in Bologna, via Casarini 19, CF: 03735181202

c) Contact details of Fairbnb.coop: info@Fairbnb.coop

d) Any complaints can be sent to the following addresses: info@fairbnb.coop

e) Commissions for services offered by Fairbnb.coop including taxes are 7.5% of the rent.

f) No cost is charged to the consumer for registration on the platform. Service fees are only charged if short-term rental contracts are formed and unless the cancellation policy is applied. The activation/execution of the services offered to the consumer by Fairbnb.coop is immediate. Possible complaints are handled within the standard time of 72 hours, except for the times related to the communication of replies to the consumer in the event of non-electronic delivery.

g) The “payment methods” of the services are the following: credit cards.

h) The right of withdrawal is not available pursuant to art. 16 of the European Directive 2011/83/EU once the provision of platform services has begun. This is necessary since the individual services subject to agreement with the consumer constitute an obligation of instantaneous delivery by Fairbnb.coop in favour of the users and determine the onset of further obligations incompatible with the right of withdrawal.

i) The duration of this contract is for an indefinite period, but the user has the freedom to withdraw by using the option to cancel an account at any time or by sending a request to the address info@fairbnb.coop. For services provided by the platform, there are no refunds except for the cancellation policy provided by the art. 6.

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